Emergency Medical Technicians or Set Medics

Anytime there is any risk of injury on the set it is recommended that you have a qualified person available should there be an injury. Set construction and stunts generally are risk situations which should have an EMT on standby in order to address injuries which may occur.

Medics, also called EMT’s, are among the most experienced in the industry. Well equipped and looking sharp. Medics are ready to handle anything your production can throw at them. All medics carry a current Emergency Medical Technician Certification (EMT) and a current CPR Card from the state. Set Medics also have current background checks. This process includes Live Scan fingerprints and other identification information being sent to California DOJ for a state and federal CORI database search. (CORI = Criminal Offender Record Information).

We specialize in non-union shoots, but have a large roster of preferred and recommended union medics.


Difference Between Emt’s and Paramedics

Both EMTs and paramedics have the knowledge and skills to transport patients and provide them with emergency care. The biggest difference between them is the amount of education they receive and what they are allowed to do for patients (scope of practice).

EMTs usually complete a course that is about 120-150 hours in length. Paramedic courses can be between 1,200 to 1,800 hours. EMT and paramedic courses consist of lectures, hands-on skills training, and clinical and/or field internships. EMTs are educated in many skills including CPR, giving patients oxygen, administering glucose for diabetics, and helping others with treatments for asthma attacks or allergic reactions. With very few exceptions, such as in the case of auto-injectors for allergic reactions, EMTs are not allowed to provide treatments that requiring breaking the skin: that means no needles.

Paramedics are advanced providers of emergency medical care and are highly educated in topics such as anatomy and physiology, cardiology, medications, and medical procedures. They build on their EMT education and learn more skills such as administering medications, starting intravenous lines, providing advanced airway management for patients, and learning to resuscitate and support patients with significant problems such as heart attacks and traumas.